Monday, May 18, 2020

The Problem Of Mental Health - 1455 Words

Addressing the issue of mental health to parents is never an easy task, however if it is done in the correct manner it could be painless. As a childcare worker, if I were to talk to a parent about their child’s mental health I would aim to confirm their emotions and be supportive by talking about the challenges that come with mental health. I would attempt to normalize the situation for them by focusing on their child’s well-being and looking at the end result instead of the immediate struggles. After I had addressed the issue, I would then sensitively discuss with them the factors of the child’s life that may be affecting their health; being sure to never make assumptions or put the blame on any one thing. Keeping the child’s best interest in mind, I would discuss some treatment options the child has. I would explain how the mental health system works and prepare them for the obstacles they may face, but reassure them that it would be worth it for the chi ld’s sake. We would go through the different programs they could use and the levels of intensity they may need. Finally, after all the intense material I would talk to the parents about how they are feeling. We could discuss some stressors they are currently experiencing, and some that may come up. My main goal of the conversation being the parent walking away feeling informed and calmed about the situation. Discussing contributing factors of mental health concerns can be a touchy subject as not all parents want toShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Mental Health1558 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout the course of the semester we discussed and read many books about coming-of-age and many of those books have discussed the problems of mental health. Mental health is a very serious issue in today s society, and there are many issues surrounding it in children and young adults. Many times people assume that a child or young adult has the perfect life, but tis is not always true. 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